
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Zucchini Alfredo--SO Simple & SO Good

You may remember that I discussed my handy dandy veggie shredder tool in this post. Well, I have pulled it out again...If you don't have a vegetable shredder, I think you can cut the zucchini lengthwise until it is spaghetti-thickness (it'll just take you a bit longer time).

I ran across this recipe while perusing (AMAZING website when trying to figure out what to make for dinner with what you have; especially good for us lazier/impulsive cooks who don't schedule all our meals in advance--more power to you if you do though!!!). I have modified it somewhat to make it more healthy (less fatty), but it is still very delicious.

Serves 2-4 (depending on how many sides you have)

2 zucchini
1 tsp. olive oil
1 clove minced garlic
1/2 tsp. dried oregano
2-3 Tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese
2 Tbsp. light sour cream

Wash the zucchini well and pat dry with paper towels. I mean, wash it WELL--an amazing amount of grit can sit on the surface. Slice the zucchini into evenly sized spaghetti like strips--using a vegetable shredder--or cut if you are skilled.

Heat the olive oil and garlic in a large saute pan. Saute for a min or two. Add the sour cream, Parmesan, and oregano. Warm through.

Add the zucchini and continue to saute until it is just tender. (The zucchini will leave some liquid behind--this is normal since this vegetable is made up of so much water).

This shredded, creamy zucchini is a great side dish to chicken, rice, and sliced tomatoes. Next time, I may serve it the way my favorite restaurant (Al Di La) serves it: halibut on shredded zucchini with black lentils on the side--simply amazing!

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