
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Avocado Curry Over Brown Rice

Figured this would be a comforting meal and relatively healthy way to start the new year. When I first heard of this, I wasn't so sure....but then I remembered Thai meals where avocados were served with curry and rice. Well, this is an American version with milder flavors and it's absolutely delicious! And EASY & FAST! (key terms in our lives these days)

It calls for condensed mushroom soup, but if you would rather make your own (for reasons such as controlling the fat, chemicals, or, because it's cheaper or better for you...etc.,), here's one that looks good, but personally, I'd try this one because it's from my friend, Nancy's fantastic blog and everything I've made of hers has been good.

Hope you all enjoy this crunchy, creamy dinner. We served it with a salad of cucumber, heirloom tomatoes, and bell peppers.

adapted from Patti Sommerville

Serves 3-4 (unless you want bigger portions in which case, this would serve 2-3)

4 green onions
1 Tbsp. light butter
1 (~10.5 oz) can reduced fat mushroom soup (Trader Joe's brand portabella package is fantastic!)
1/2-3/4 cup skim milk
1/8-1/4 tsp. curry powder
1 cup slivered almonds
1 avocado, sliced or diced
~4 cups cooked brown rice

Melt butter over medium-low heat and lightly brown the green onions. Mix in the mushroom soup, milk, and curry powder (we use closer to 3/4 cup milk and less than 1/4 tsp. curry powder). Cover and let simmer for a few minutes.

When ready to serve, add ~1 cup rice to each plate and then serve the the mushroom-onion sauce over the rice. Top each portion with slivered almonds and avocado.

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