
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Garlicky Sunflower Seed Spread with Parsley

I got this intriguing sunflower seed recipe from my friend, Carla, after she posted a great picture of it on Facebook. She got it from Ligia Pop, a Romanian raw food chef. I was a bit unsure about trying it because I'm not familiar with raw recipes...however, this was SO delicious! This fabulous dip/spread only requires a  handful of ingredients and tastes nutty, fresh, creamy, salty, tart, and sweet (that almost covers it all, doesn't it??).

It was a delicious spread on the pumpkin, sunflower & flax seed bread I just posted on. Carla said it is terrific served on cucumber slices as an appetizer. But, I liked dipping my carrots in it and my daughter liked dipping her crackers in it--so yes, you can use it as a dip! I imagine this sunflower seed spread would be wonderful drizzled with olive oil, if you preferred, or sprinkled with some smoked paprika before serving. I can't wait to try it again with different kinds of herbs. I especially would like to try it this summer with fresh basil instead of the parsley, spread on crostini, and topped it with fresh sliced heirloom tomatoes--YUM!


Adapted from my friend, Carla, who got it from

  • 1 cup raw sunflower seeds (I used 1/2 cup raw sunflower seeds & 1/2 cup roasted sunflower seeds)
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 3 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
  • 1/4 tsp. agave nectar
  • 1 small handful fresh parsley, rinsed & lightly patted dry
  • ~1/4-1/3 cup water
  • Salt & pepper, to taste (cracked sea salt is particularly good)

In a food processor or blender (I used my Vitamix), blend/process all ingredients. Add more water, if necessary, until the texture is to your liking.

All I can say--is YUM!

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